Junior 1 Explore Moving Vehicles At Transport Museum
There was plenty of excitement for Junior 1 today when they visited Coventry Transport Museum to find out more about all manner of man-made 'propelled vehicles', for their cross-curricular studies in History, Science and English.
The children participated in an informative seminar and practical activities on the history of bicycles. They tested out riding wooden and rubber wheeled scooters over a bumpy surface to establish why the materials used for wheels changed over time. They constructed bicycle frames to test which shape was the strongest, and wore goggles to carry out further science investigations. They heard of Coventry's important role in the design, development and manufacture of cycles, beginning with the Boneshaker of the 1820s, moving on to the Penny Farthing and the tricycle of the 1880s and the safety bicycle of 1888. At the museum supercars, buses, bikes and electric vehicles were all eagerly explored.
Upon returning back to school the children will be writing up their own recounts and starting to design and create their own moving vehicles.
Well done Junior 1, we are very proud of you.