A broad and balanced curriculum is taught. The curriculum is covered in three Key Stages: Foundation including Nursery and Reception; Key Stage 1, including Junior 1 and 2, and Key Stage 2, including Junior 3, 4, 5 and 6.

"Pupils achieve excellent results in entrance examinations to senior schools with high standards of entry, and a high proportion gain scholarships for academic success, music, drama and sport."
Summary by Key Stage:
foundation stage curriculum
- Personal, social and emotional development
- Communication and language
- Physical development
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Expressive arts and design
- Understanding the world
key stage 1
Building on the knowledge of the children through their development in the Foundation Stage, from Junior 1 the pupils begin a more formal curriculum. There is less emphasis on learning through play as they move through the Key Stage, and much more exploration of cross-curricular themes.
The curriculum is based on national guidelines, but pupils are encouraged to achieve well beyond these targets.
The core subjects of Mathematics, English, Science, Computing and RE are taught, with pupils experiencing more structured lessons in History, Geography, Design and Technology, Physical Education and Games, French, Art, Drama, Music and Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education.
Emphasis is placed on the progression of numeracy, literacy and reading; learning of times tables and spellings is actively developed through simple homework tasks.
key stage 2
The structured approach begun at Key Stage 1 is continued and enhanced with pupils learning to become more organised and self reliant as they get older. They begin to be introduced to verbal and nonverbal reasoning techniques, as well as increased opportunities for critical and creative thinking, imaginative and intellectual development, problem solving and scientific research.
English and Mathematics are taught by form teachers throughout the school. As the children move up the school, they are prepared for the expectations of Independent Senior Schools as well as enabling them to experience fun and laughter in their learning.
In Junior 5 and 6, the curriculum increasingly prepares the children for entry into senior schools. The curriculum is supported by a wide variety of educational trips covering a broad spectrum of interests from musical and scientific to adventurous and historic. The development of team building skills through sport, and confidence when performing to a range of audiences through music, is an extremely important part of school life at Crackley Hall.
Assessment across the Key Stage is on-going and structured towards formative and summative assessments.
In Key Stage 2, pupils are encouraged to develop their handwriting, joining their letters in a smooth cursive style. Once they have mastered this technique, they are presented with a ‘pen licence’ and their own fountain pen, which they use in their books from that point on.
Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3 Transition
The transition from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3 is a vital one. As part of the cross-phase co-ordination of Teaching and Learning a number of key events take place throughout the academic year. These prepare children for their studies in secondary school.
Specialist subject staff from Princethorpe College devise and deliver exciting learning experiences to enrich Crackley pupils’ skills base. A cross-curricular approach is adopted to ensure that teachers at Crackley can embed these skills firmly within the Key Stage 2 curriculum.
We want our children to be inspired by creative teaching and learning; examples of the types of activities we have offered include - a photography workshop, a forensics science day, an introduction to Psychology and a whole school ‘play in a day.
Learning Differences and Development
We encourage all our pupils to reach their full potential. We recognise that some children may require extra support and we put this in place as soon as needed. This means that class teachers refer children to our Learning Support Co-Ordinator as soon as they are concerned. Throughout the process of identification, assessment and delivery of support, we encourage parents' involvement and co-operation, to maximise the impact of interventions.
Support for a child may entail group or 1:1 teaching for which there is a termly charge. Children with speech, language or communication needs are supported by our resident speech and language therapist. Children who require this teaching will receive a structured, cumulative, multi-sensory learning programme tailored to their individual needs. If further assessment / advice is required from external professionals (eg. educational psychologists), we support parents through the referral process. The school follows the guidance set out in the SEND Code of Practice 2015.
able, gifted and talented
Junior da Vinci at Crackley Hall
With support from our Foundation senior school, Princethorpe College, Crackley Hall is adopting the Junior da Vinci Programme to stretch children excelling in subjects and to raise aspirations across the school. The Junior da Vinci Programme identifies and recognises excellence in school through an approach that engenders a sense of independence, hard work and personal responsibility in the student. Hence, any individual can be a gifted or talented student if they work hard at it and are committed to knowledge.
The programme is named after Leonardo da Vinci because of his iconic status as a Renaissance man. The Renaissance Ideal considers man to be boundless in his capacities for development. It champions the notion that
people should try to embrace all knowledge and develop wide ranging capabilities as fully as possible.
In this way, we can encourage the children to extend their potential beyond a ‘notional’ limit and help them to see that knowledge and learning is not just something that happens to them but is actually an activity in which they can and should take an active part. With this ‘growth mindset’, they can remove any limits on their learning and see where a thirst for knowledge, a creative mind and dedication to pursue new learning can take them!
All staff members at the school will look out for evidence of mastery, practice and creativity in the work that pupils produce. When the teachers see evidence, they will award the student a Junior da Vinci merit – at Crackley, this is in the form of a creativity, practice or mastery sticker. When all three stickers have been awarded for a subject, the child is presented with an enamel badge by the Headmaster in assembly. Pupils who consistently perform at Junior da Vinci level will be offered rewards and further opportunities, such as attending special workshops or trips and receive recognition at weekly assemblies.
For more detailed information please download a copy of our Information Booklet which can be found on our Admissions page.