Crackley Celebrates British Science Week
British Science Week was launched on Monday in assembly with Mr Lee and the STEAM ambassadors from Princethorpe. They introduced this year's theme of 'Change and Adapt' with exciting experiments.
The children observed changes in colour with the traffic light experiment. They watched physical changes with the elephant's toothpaste experiment, and they saw and heard squeaky explosions from chemical changes, including the amazing whoosh bottle experiment. The children left assembly buzzing and ready for put their own scientific skills to the test.
In Reception the children watched excitedly as mentos and coke react together to make a fizzing rocket. They then had a go at building their own raft for the three billy goats to cross the river on, and then had a go at changing or adapting it to make it even more suitable.
Junior 1 set up an experiment to see if plants really do need water, light and soil/cotton wool to grow healthily. They set up a control pot (with seeds on wet cotton wool in the light), one without light (put in the cupboard), one without water and one without cotton wool. They also predicted which ones will grow. They will have to wait to see which ones grow and if they do, how well they grow. They are interested to see if any of the seeds adapt and change to the way they grow due to the conditions they are growing in.
Junior 4 had an amazing workshop with the Princethorpe Ambassadors and Mr. Lee. They continued the British Science Week exploration by integrating their Geography topic on waste and recycling, with a Science investigation on filtering microplastics from the ocean. Junior 4 tested various materials to determine the most effective at filtering out microplastics, using sand as an eco-friendly alternative.
Junior 5 investigated how we could generate more gas/bubbles in a solution of bicarb and vinegar. They saw that if we increased both substances, we produced more gas. They noted there was a chemical reaction and new substances were made - mixing baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and vinegar (acetic acid) causes a chemical reaction that produces a salt (sodium acetate) and water, as well as carbon dioxide gas.
Nursery even joined in the fun making cakes and observing how the dry ingredients became cake batter and then eventually cakes.
In STEAM club pupils looked at how animals have adapted themselves to suit their habitat. Anthony, Othniel and Rohan created posters to show some examples of animal adaptations of a variety of wild animals found all over the world.
A huge thank you to all the staff for bringing their positivity and enthusiasm to British Science week and making it such a success!