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Crackley Achieves Bronze And Silver In Woodland Trust’s Schools Award

16 Sep

Crackley Hall School is thrilled to have achieved both the Bronze and Silver levels of the Woodland Trust’s Green Tree Schools Award.

The awards are designed to encourage outdoor learning, by inspiring pupils to take part in environmental projects and to discover more about trees, woods and wildlife. Working towards the award, has allowed pupils to take positive action for the environment while also enjoying learning in the great outdoors.

To earn the Silver certificate pupils completed five ‘Green 15’ challenges, that included taking a lesson outdoors, making natural art and conducting wildlife surveys. They also harnessed pupil power to recycle waste, visited a wood to explore and connect with nature and took on a tree dressing challenge.

Crackley Hall’s Forest School Practitioner, Verity Clark, said, “The children have enjoyed working towards the awards. They have helped pupils learn valuable lessons about the natural world and the activities have supported our school's drive towards sustainability too.”

The school is not resting on its laurels though, as it has set its sights on achieving the next level, the Gold Award.