Key Stage 2 Had A Fabulous Sports Day
26 Jun
Sports Day took place on Monday 24 June and was a great day of sport out on the school fields.
So much determination in both the track and field events. Well done to everyone in Juniors 3 to 6 for taking part so enthusiastically and showing such fabulous house spirit. Race after race, event after event our outstanding young athletes leapt, threw and sprinted their hearts out. The school made a full day of it; every child ran in a sprint and every child took part in an individual event and, most importantly, every child had fun.
Huge thanks to Mrs Vaughan and to all the staff for making Sports Day such a super event. Even the weather was kind to us, this year we had gorgeous sunshine. Our Key Stage 2 Sports Day was a fantastic fun-filled day enjoyed by all!
The House results were:
- 1st Saturn
- 2nd Mars
- 3rd Venus
- 4th Jupiter